1300 268 371
1300 268 371

Request your Quote Now

To protect your business assets and financial wellbeing, complete the form below. Please note that one of our team will contact you within 24 hours to gather extra essential information and begin the process of insuring you.

In submitting the following form, you are allowing Business Insurance Cover Services to contact you and seek indicative quotes based on the information you have provided.

Quotes are based on you having no claims history or bankruptcy. In the event you disclose any claims or adverse history, we will review options with you before presenting any insurer offers and terms.

All quotes provided will be subject to individual underwriters criteria and "duty of disclosure". 

For all Terms and Conditions, alongside your "Duty of Disclosure" responsibilities, please see the below sections and links.

E-mail Address
Phone Number
Business Name
Business Address (Please Include Postcode)
What services does your business provide?
What coverages are you seeking Quotations For?
How soon do you require your quotation? (If urgent, please call on 1300 268 371)
Are you a member of any associations or groups related to your industry?
Please enter any additional information that might be relevant to your quotation including details of your trade and any membership groups.
SendBy pressing submit, you acknowledge that Business Insurance Cover services will contact you within 24 hours in regards to your quote. You allow Business Insurance Cover Services to gather indicative quotes based on information provided.